The murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi was an organized hit to cover up direct arm deals
Kit Daniels
September 25, 2013
A former CIA gun runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya,
J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the
U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State
Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda.
see video...
Discussion on Benghazi attack starts around the 37:00 mark.
William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee started his
career as a CIA contract pilot in the late 1950s, delivering guns and ammunition on behalf of the agency to Fidel Castro.
Plumlee confirmed that such arm deals are still common today, with the State Dept. shipping arms to al-Qaeda via the CIA.
During an interview with Alex Jones, Plumlee pointed out that Pat
Smith, the mother of an information management officer also killed
during the Benghazi attack, received little information from the Obama
administration about her son’s murder.
“I began to wonder ‘why won’t they tell her anything?’” He asked.
“Then a contact of mine in the Middle East, a high-ranking NATO
official, mentioned to me that he had reports that the ambassador [J.
Christopher Stevens] had been complaining about the dispatches and
cables that he had got from the State Department about the weapons being
received and [Islamic] radicals armed, including Stinger missiles.”
According to Plumlee, Steven was ordered to stand down after he asked
the State Dept. what he should do about the American arm shipments to
“The ambassador and his people had written a series of field reports
and cable dispatches advising our State Department that the rebel
factions had been armed with U.S. weapons,” he said. “Now my contention
is this: if that is the case, why is that classified as a national
security matter?”
Plumlee mentioned that Steven’s field notes have not been released by the State Dept.
These revelations suggest that after Stevens told the State Dept.
that he did not want al-Qaeda receiving heat seeking missiles, he was
killed in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi which was
designed to take out witnesses to the arms transfer and to suppress
Stevens’s reports.
The Obama administration then blamed the attack entirely on Islamic protestors enraged by the film
Innocence of Muslims while refusing to answer why U.S. special forces were ordered not to aid Stevens and others during the assault.
The missiles in question, as well as the other weapons given to
al-Qaeda, were transported to Libya by C-130s under the Direct
Commercial Sales (DCS) program, which operates within the State Dept.
As explained by New York Times best-selling author and former journalist Jim Marrs, the
DCS program oversees the shipment of U.S. weapons and training to countries around the world.
Through its own internal investigations, the State Dept. admitted
that firearms supplied by the DCS have ended up in the hands of foreign
Tying it all together, Plumlee stated that the weapons given to
al-Qaeda were “U.S. made weapons that came from the DCS program,
illegally transported by C-130s” into countries such as Turkey and
Jordan and were “dispatched from CIA safe houses to the Syrian rebels.”
As we have documented in the past, the Syrian rebels are predominantly al-Qaeda fighters who want to overthrow
President Bashar al-Assad in order to
install an Islamic state in Syria.
If al-Qaeda controls Syria, other nations could easily take advantage of the ensuring chaos and Syria’s reduced sovereignty by
extracting trillions of dollars in oil revenue from the country.
The Syrian rebels led by the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the direct offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq, were described as the “
most effective fighting force in Syria” after filling the void left by the secular Free Syrian Army.
Suffering from severe shortages in weapons and supplies, the Free
Syrian Army began losing soldiers to the better armed and equipped
al-Nusra Front.
Now it is known why the al-Nusra Front, and al-Qaeda worldwide, never
seem to lack arms: they are receiving weapon shipments directly from
the State Dept.
This article was posted: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 4:23 pm