Friday, January 3, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide

Huge purchase linked to ongoing Fukushima crisis?
Paul Joseph Watson
January 1, 2014

UPDATE: Plumes of mysterious steam rise from crippled nuclear reactor at Fukushima.

The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide, the compound that protects the body from radioactive poisoning in the aftermath of severe nuclear accidents, to be delivered before the beginning of February.

Image: Potassium Iodide (YouTube).

According to a solicitation posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, the DHHS asks contractors to supply, “potassium iodide tablet, 65mg, unit dose package of 20s; 700,000 packages (of 20s),” a total of 14 million tablets. The packages must be delivered on or before February 1, 2014.
Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used by victims of severe nuclear accidents or emergencies. Under current regulations, states with populations living within 10 miles of a nuclear plant are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a supply of potassium iodide.
A search of the FedBizOpps website returns no other results regarding the purchase of potassium iodide from any government agency, suggesting that the DHHS bulk buy of the tablets is unprecedented in recent times.
The ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has prompted concerns that the purchase is connected to the threat posed by radioactive debris washing up on the shores of the west coast or the potential for another natural disaster occurring in Japan which could impact the U.S.
“Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic,” writes The West Wire. “The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being.”
“Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable. The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?” 14 million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.”
Last month it was revealed that 71 U.S. sailors who helped during the initial Fukushima relief efforts are suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) after they returned with thyroid cancer, Leukemia, and brain tumors as a result of being exposed to radiation at 300 times the safe level.
TEPCO has repeatedly been caught lying in their efforts to downplay the scale of the disaster. In September it was confirmed that radiation readings around the power plant were 18 times higher than previously reported by TEPCO. After a tank leaked 300 tonnes of toxic water in August, groundwater radiation readings at the plant soared to 400,000 becquerels per litre, the highest reading since the nuclear accident occurred in March 2011.
Top scientists have warned that if another major earthquake hits Fukushima, which is almost inevitable, it would mean “bye bye Japan” and the complete evacuation of the west coast of North America.
Now that radioactive debris is hitting the West Coast of North America, numerous different animals and sea life are suffering from mysterious diseases, including 20 bald eagles that have died in Utah over the last few weeks alone.

Is The Government Stockpiling Iodine In Preparation for Fukushima Meltdown?

Government purchase of 14 million iodine doses points to silent Fukushima meltdown preparation.
Anthony Gucciardi
January 1, 2014
UPDATE: Plumes of mysterious steam rise from crippled nuclear reactor at Fukushima
Following the revelation that The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of potassium iodide to be available by no later than the first of February, it is easy to see that the same federal government responsible for silently raising the allowable limits of radiation in the food supply and turning off key radiation counters positioned in the west coast may now silently be preparing for a future Fukushima meltdown.

The same type of Fukushima plant meltdown that has been predicted by leading scientists, such as those who spoke out against Fukushima’s dangers while attending the scientific symposium at the University of Alberta just a few months ago. Scientists like David Suzuki went on record in stating that Fukushima is just an earthquake away from devastating Japan and swallowing other nations with its radioactive fallout.
During the conference, Suzuki said:
“I have seen a paper which says that if in fact the fourth plant goes under in an earthquake and those rods are exposed, it’s bye bye Japan and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate.”
And Suzuki is not the only one with major concerns. In fact, Suzuki is perhaps one of the very few who actually received media attention due to his celebrity status as a recipient of 16 significant academic awards and host of the popular CBC Television program entitled ‘The Nature of Things’. Yale University professor Charles Perrow has voiced similar concerns in a telling piece entitled ‘Fukushima Forever’, which highlights the very serious threat of nuclear meltdown as a result of human error when it comes to removing the plant’s spent fuel rods.
A danger that the United States government certainly recognizes as legitimate based on the analysis of top experts, and undoubtedly is silently preparing for behind the scenes.
Perrow writes:
Much more serious is the danger that the spent fuel rod pool at the top of the nuclear plant number four will collapse in a storm or an earthquake, or in a failed attempt to carefully remove each of the 1,535 rods and safely transport them to the common storage pool 50 meters away. Conditions in the unit 4 pool, 100 feet from the ground, are perilous, and if any two of the rods touch it could cause a nuclear reaction that would be uncontrollable. The radiation emitted from all these rods, if they are not continually cool and kept separate, would require the evacuation of surrounding areas including Tokyo. Because of the radiation at the site the 6,375 rods in the common storage pool could not be continuously cooled; they would fission and all of humanity will be threatened, for thousands of years.
And silently stockpiling iodine is certainly the way that The Department of Health and Human Services would prepare for such an event. As of this morning, a government source has told me that this purchase is indeed bizarre given the quantity and delivery time frame (requiring a whopping 14 million doses by February 1st), and it goes alongside preparations we have seen in the past where the official response will likely play off the mega purchase as a ‘routine bulk acquisition with no real urgency or threat’.
The reality is that even getting a hold of low quality potassium iodide, which I would not ever personally take over a higher quality form of pure iodine, is becoming difficult as the population becomes aware of Fukushima’s expansive dangers. Many manufacturers are now stockpiling raw iodine and holding on to the element as a form of investment with the knowledge that Fukushima may very well meltdown in the coming months. For this reason, we have had a very hard time securing our nascent iodine formula that many in the field of preparedness have been stockpiling for quite some time.
Anthony Gucciardi is the acting Editor and Founder of alternative news website, as well as the Founder of the third largest natural health website in the world, He is also a news media personality and analyst who has been featured on top news, radio, and television organizations including Drudge Report, Michael Savage’s Savage Nation, Coast to Coast AM, and RT.
This article was posted: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Plumes of Mysterious Steam Rise from Crippled Nuclear Reactor at Fukushima

January 1, 2014
Fresh plumes of most probably radioactive steam have been detected rising from the reactor 3 building at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, said the facility’s operator company.
The steam has been detected by surveillance cameras and appeared to be coming from the fifth floor of the mostly-destroyed building housing crippled reactor 3, according to Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), the plant’s operator.
The steam was first spotted on December 19 for a short period of time, then again on December 24, 25, 27, according to a report TEPCO published on its website.
The company, responsible for the cleanup of the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, has not explained the source of the steam or the reason it is rising from the reactor building. High levels of radiation have complicated entry into the building and further inspection of the situation.
Three of the plant’s reactors suffered a nuclear meltdown in March 2011 after the Great East Japan Earthquake and resulting tsunami hit the region. The plant is comprised of six separate water boiling reactors. At the time of the earthquake, reactor number 4 had been de-fueled and reactors 5 and 6 were in cold shutdown for planned maintenance, thereby managing to avoid meltdowns.
Unlike the other five reactors, reactor 3 ran on mixed core containing both uranium fuel and mixed uranium and plutonium oxide, or MOX nuclear fuel. The Reactor 3 fuel storage pond still houses an estimated 89 tons of the plutonium-based MOX nuclear fuel composed of 514 fuel rods.
In a similar incident, small amounts of steam escaped from the reactor 3 building in July 2013, Asahi Shimbun reported. However it was unclear where the steam came from. TEPCO said that radiation levels did not change, adding that the steam could have been caused by rain that found its way to the primary containment of the reactor, and because this vessel was still hot, the water evaporated. On 23 July the steam was seen again coming out of the fifth floor just above the reactor containment, the Japanese newspaper reported.
In November, TEPCO, responsible for the decommissioning of the plant, began the highly risky removal of over 1,500 potentially damaged nuclear fuel rods from reactor 4. The reactor is the most unstable part of the plant as it was offline at the time of the 2011 catastrophe and its core didn’t go into meltdown. Instead, hydrogen explosions blew the roof off the building and severely damaged the structure.One of the most dangerous operations attempted in nuclear history was a success as a total of 22 assemblies containing 50 to 70 fuel rods have been transported to a new storage pool. While the extraction of the fuel rods is a significant challenge for TEPCO, a more complex task of removing the cores of the stricken reactors is yet to come.
This article was posted: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 at 2:59 pm

Feds Consider Vehicle Location Tracking in New Cars

Proposal may lead to more accidents, mileage taxes and tickets for “recorded traffic violations”
Kit Daniels
January 1, 2014

In a few weeks, federal officials may require new vehicles to have trackable GPS “safety” devices which could be hacked to cause automobile accidents and may even usher in mileage taxes.

With the V2V device, the GPS location for all new cars could be recorded. Credit: Minesweeper via Wiki
With the V2V device, the GPS location for all new cars could be recorded.
 Credit: Minesweeper via Wiki

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is spending the next couple of weeks mulling over its decision to install vehicle-to-vehicle communications – known as V2V for short – into new vehicles which would allow them to “talk” to each other through GPS data under the guise of “accident prevention,” according to ABC News.
However, one official involved with the government study of the devices admitted that hackers could abuse the system to create mass havoc on the road.
“Who has access and how do you secure the data?” David Wise of the Government Accountability Office asked.
He even said that the V2V would rely on GPS data that can be used to easily track a vehicle – and thus the occupants inside.
“Privacy is a real challenge,” Wise said.
This is refreshing honesty from a government official.
The fact that the V2V system could be hacked to cause high-speed pile-ups exposes the political lie that these devices were designed to prevent accidents. In fact, bureaucrats want the V2V installed in vehicles in order to track Americans like animals in another sick extension of the domestic spy grid pioneered by the NSA.
With vehicle tracking, big government politicians could also accomplish their goal of taxing drivers by every mile driven.
Lawmakers could even use this sort of technology to pass laws that allow local governments to mail drivers tickets for “recorded traffic violations” as they already do with red light cameras.
And to really stick it into drivers even further, the costs for the GPS technology will be tacked onto the price of new cars – forcing Americans to pay for their own enslavement.
Take a look at the following articles to see for yourself the hidden agenda behind the V2V technology:
A black box in your car? Some see a source of tax revenue Richard Clarke: Hastings Accident “Consistent with a Car Cyber Attack GM’s OnStar now spying on your car for profit even after you unsubscribe? Brazilians will be forced to use RFID chips and GPS trackers in their cars Exclusive: Govt Documents Reveal DHS Domestic Spy Takeover South Carolina Police Grab Innocent Cell User’s Data Through ‘Tower Dump’
This article was posted: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Celente: 2014 Will Be a Year of Extremes

 People have tried (with varying success) to predict the future, from soothsayers to reading tea leaves, from Nostradamus to calling Miss Cleo. But one man, Gerald Celente, has made a career out of forecasting trends as the founder of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of "Trends Journal." RT's Anastasia Churkina sits down with Celente to talk about his predictions for 2014.

Exclusive–Documents: Congress Charges Secret Fee to Land Top Committee Spots

Members of Congress must pay secret fees known as “party dues” to the Democratic and Republican parties to secure and maintain top committee chairmanships and assignments, newly uncovered internal documents reveal.



The never-before-published lists are reprinted inside the new book Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets, written by Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer.
Senior congressional staffers say the committee price lists have long been rumored to exist but that few people on Capitol Hill have seen them, giving them an almost "mythical" quality.
The book contains copies of the Democratic and Republican price lists detailing how much money lawmakers must raise to obtain and keep their seats on congressional committees. The so-called “party dues” lawmakers must contribute for committee assignments are separate and apart from the fundraising they conduct for their own campaigns. If lawmakers fail to make their tribute payment to their party, they can lose their place on a powerful committee.
“These party dues are not voluntary,” writes Schweizer. “Members are not asked to pay—they are required to pay.”
In the 2013-2014 election cycle, the going rate for a Democratic assignment as the ranking member on a top committee like the House Ways and Means or Financial Services Committees is $500,000. Schweizer reports that Democrats also use a “members points system” that rewards its members for attending party fundraisers.

Complete article:

Extortion Docs--DCCC -
Prices on the Republican House committee list are higher due to the GOP’s House majority—a fact that creates even greater opportunities for lawmakers to extract donations from the industries a committee oversees. According to Schweizer, the GOP price sheet is actually posted on the wall of the Republican Congressional Committee and contains red marks beside the names of lawmakers who fall behind on their party dues.
GOP prices for committee posts vary widely. For example, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), who is the chairman of the influential Energy and Commerce Committee, is expected to extract $990,000 from donors for the GOP. The chairman of the less powerful House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Lamar Smith, is required to bag just $405,000.

RCCC Extortion Docs -
Schweizer contends that the common belief that outside forces and special interests seek to bribe Washington politicians is wrong. The reverse is true: lawmakers use a series of "brass knuckle legislative tactics" to politically extort wealthy interests and industries into forking over large political donations—some of which can then be funneled to a politician’s friends or family members.
Schweizer’s political extortion argument holds troubling implications when considered alongside the price lists for committee assignments.
“Built into the valuations is the implicit extortion value of the [committee] seat,” explains Schweizer. “Sitting on the House Financial Services Committee means you can extract lots of money from wealthy financial institutions.”
According to the author, committee assignments have far more to do with fundraising prowess than policy expertise.
“We want to believe that committee assignments are based on knowledge, expertise, and background,” writes Schweizer in Extortion. “But a member of Congress will end up on a powerful committee like the House Ways and Means Committee or Financial Services Committee only if he or she can raise money.”
Schweizer adds: “Raising money is what helps an ambitious member of the House rise in the ranks far more than ideas or competence.”
When asked how he managed to obtain both the DNC and RNC price lists, Schweizer said, "Good old-fashioned gumshoe investigative journalism."

Deep Secrets of THE HUNGER GAMES Exposed. Alex Jones Breakdown of the Movie

 Alex Jones reviews THE HUNGER GAMES (1) A film based on the teen novels by Suzanne Collins, "It is 100% Agenda 21. And is our actual future. This is called Predictive Programming. Mega Cities and Gladiatorial Combat."

It's a Global Institutionalized version of the Japanese film Battle Royale. Remember the only-very-recent mainstream marketing of 'no holds barred' CAGE FIGHTING.

Are We NOW LIVING IN the HUNGER GAMES - Catching Fire ?? Alex Jones Breaks Down the Current Police State

David Knight and Alex discuss The Hunger Games (2)-Catching Fire and the implications of such story lines in the narrative of society.

Issa says Benghazi Attack was al Qaeda-led
December 30, 2013
This article was posted: Monday, December 30, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Disabled Shooters Oppose Restrictions on "Assault Weapons"

Brent McCluskey
December 30, 2013
The LA Times reports that more disabled people oppose assault weapons restrictions. The reason is these bans often target features and accessories that aid those with a disability to properly shoot and handle a firearm with ease.
Sal Foti, a 57-year-old shooter who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, was the inspiration for the story after the newspaper got wind of his article highlighting the issue (check out his most recent work here)
Foti has also spoken out against the increasing laws surrounding “assault rifles,” LA Times reports.
Read more
This article was posted: Monday, December 30, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Connecticut Gun Owners Stand In Long Lines to Register Firearms

RELATED: Proof: Gun Registration Leads To Confiscation
December 31, 2013
Peaceful Connecticut citizens are standing in long lines to register ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and longarms that the state considers “assault rifles.”

WFSB 3 Connecticut “The law I don’t think is going to stop any crimes,” New London resident Rob Townsend said. “How many criminals do you think are in line right now to register their weapons?”
This article was posted: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 10:11 am

Dell’s Twitter Account Apologizes For The ‘Inconvenience’ Of Helping NSA Install Spyware

Mike Masnick
December 31, 2013
There are times when big brands with “social media people” might want to teach those junior level employees to recognize that using one of the standard “scripted” answers might be inappropriate. Take, for example, if you’re Dell and a new report has come out suggesting that the NSA has pretty much compromised your servers at the BIOS level with spy bugs, then, when someone — especially a respected security guy like Martin Wismeijer — tweets at you, you don’t go with the standard scripted “sorry for the inconvenience” response. But, apparently, that’s not how Dell handled things this time (thanks to Mike Mozart for the pointer):
In case you can’t read that, Wismeijer complained on Twitter about finding out that his Dell server is bugged by the NSA (which might be an exaggeration…) and included the @DellCares account in his tweet. That account wrote:
Thank you for reaching out and regret the inconvenience. Our colleagues at @dellcarespro will be able to help you out.
Wismeijer responded with an expected level of anger. Not only is “regret the inconvenience” probably the inappropriate response to a customer complaining about the NSA installing malware, but the idea that Dell support “will be able to help you out” is similarly questionable.
This article was posted: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 9:29 am

Apple Says It Knows Nothing About Your iPhone Spying On You

Kurt Nimmo
December 31, 2013
So, it turns out the NSA can drop in on your Apple iPhone anytime it wants to.
Thanks to the best technical minds your tax dollars can buy, the NSA has come up with something called “DROPOUT JEEP,” an application that can hijack your an iPhone’s SMS messages, contacts, location, camera, and microphone. The hack is really comprehensive, according to a leaked NSA doc acquired by Der Spiegel:
DROPOUT JEEP is a software implant for the Apple iPhone that utilizes modular mission applications to provide specific SIGINT functionality. This functionality includes the ability to remotely push/pull files from the device. SMS retrieval, contact list retrieval, voicemail, geolocation, hot mic, camera capture, cell tower location, etc. Command, control and data exfiltration can occur over SMS messaging or a GPRS data connection. All communications with the implant will be covert and encrypted.
Apple said today they know nothing about any of this:
So, Apple is either lying or the NSA is so good at using this stuff big technology corporations are completely clueless.
It is now readily apparent most if not all computer technology and consumer electronic companies have been folded into the Stasi surveillance state architecture. It can no longer be denied that we are living in an all-encompassing Orwellian panopticon nightmare.
This article was posted: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Boston Bans Smoking in Public Parks

December 31, 2013
The city council tasked park rangers with enforcing the ban. Credit: LoopZilla via Flickr
The city council tasked park rangers with enforcing the ban. Credit: LoopZilla via Flickr

Boston has banned smoking in city-run parks, joining a growing list of American cities to do so. The Boston Parks and Recreation Commission on Monday approved a ban covering the 251 parks, squares, cemeteries and other spaces run by the Parks and Recreation Department, including Boston Common, the Public Garden and Franklin Park. No one spoke in opposition to the ban.
The ban takes effect immediately and applies to tobacco, marijuana and other “lighted or vaporized” substances. Violators face a $250 fine.
Read more
This article was posted: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 11:51 am

Chinese Recycling Magnate Wants to Buy The New York Times
December 31, 2013
“If I acquire the Times, the paper will only report the truth and must verify all information,” said Chen Guangbiao.
It doesn’t do that now? We always thought Judith Miller was a paragon of journalistic excellence.
This article was posted: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Eight Shot Dead in Attack on Xinjiang Police Station

Agencies in Beijing and Laura Zhou
South China Morning Post
December 30, 2013
Police in the far western region of Xinjiang shot dead eight people during a “terrorist attack” yesterday morning, the regional government said, the second outbreak of violent unrest this month in a region that has a substantial ethnic Uygur population.
The attack occurred in Yarkand county close to the Silk Road city of Kashgar in the autonomous region’s far south, the Xinjiang government said in a brief statement.
“At around 6.30am, nine thugs carrying knives attacked a police station in Kashgar’s Yarkand county, throwing explosive devices and setting police cars on fire,” the statement said. “The police took decisive measures, shooting dead eight and capturing one.”

This article was posted: Monday, December 30, 2013 at 2:48 pm

Mystery Steam Over Fukushima Could Be Sign of Another Meltdown
 Mystery Steam Over Fukushima Could Be Sign of Another Meltdown
The newest update in the highly disconcerting series of devastating failures that is the Fukushima cleanup effort is troubling to say the least. Tepco has confirmed that (unexplained) plumes of steam have been rising from the mangled remains of Reactor Building 3. In other words, there's a chance Fukushima could be in the middle of another meltdown.

The thing is, no one has been able to find out the exact cause of the rising, mysterious radioactive steam because the combination of physical damage and, more importantly, lethal radiation levels have made investigating the reactor impossible. Tepco has known that a followup meltdown was a severe possibility, though. The Reactor 3 fuel storage pond is still home to about 89 tons of plutonium-based mixed-oxide fuel according to the The Ecologist, and should that fuel storage pond dry out, the highly radioactive rods will melt down with devastating results.
Still, there are two other slightly less severe possibilities outlined by The Ecologist. First, the molten fuel could have burnt its way through the base and into the soil below, producing steam as it comes into contact with groundwater (while simultaneously releasing radioactive contaminants into the ocean). Second, reactor rod fragments could have come into contact with rainwater, producing extreme amounts of heat and, consequently, steam. As The Ecologist notes, "Of the three choices this is probably the least serious."
While some of the possible outcomes might be better than others, nothing we're facing is exactly ideal. But of course, that seems to be the recurring theme for Tepco's efforts at containing the Fukushima disaster. Why change now. [Tepco via The Ecologist via Fark]

Original article: